Look to the Starrys
The Starry Story

The Value of a Face-to-Face Visit

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Rich Starry and the team at Starry Realty LLC prefer to do business the old-fashioned way.

Downtown sign

The old-fashioned way doesn't mean avoiding the gadget-filled world we live in today. In fact, The Starrys – a realtor team consisting of Rich, his mother Becki and their office manager Mary Jo – embrace this technology much more than most as it has enabled them and their clients to be much more efficient and effective. But while the technology has its place, The Starrys still see the significance of a one-on-one discussion, community involvement and a handshake.

They feel relationships are the foundation and firmly believe we shouldn't lose sight of the incredible value these personal interactions bring.

Rich and Becki Starry and Mary Jo Danen

With that in mind, Rich had an idea for doing things a little differently in his profession and his home community. He likes to call it his mission to "Bring Real Estate Back to Main Street," or in this case, Broadway.

[ Click here to finish reading The Starry Story. ]

Hope to see you soon!
- The Starrys